Gama Abacus is an International Abacus training organisation which runs purely on the franchise model of business. Recognised in over 21 countries with 1000 centres worldwide Gama Abacus is a pioneer in this industry since […]
Gama Abacus is the global leader in Abacus training since the year 1999.The brainchild of Dr. Nagulanathan ,thousands of students in the age group of 4-14 have […]
As a starter, any businessperson would like to invest their time and energy into something that isn’t too risky. It is only normal to look out […]
Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it? Being an independent entrepreneur is the most freeing experience. So many invest in businesses that seem promising in […]
While academics teaches us a lot of subjects, it hardly prepares us for real-life situations. While our emotional responses are predefined by our characteristics, the calculative […]
If you are looking for proof that the ancient civilizations were well advanced than our modern society, you need to look no further than the Abacus. […]