How Abacus Training Improves Listening Skills Of Children?

Abacus training is a highly beneficial constructive activity that can be linked to the holistic development of children in their formative years. It is an excellent supplement to our education system that enhances their academic performance. The intense load of subjects and the massive efforts required to master them make children show increasingly lesser interest in academics.
The most common form of teaching in our education system is the chalk and talk method. This involves the teachers and trainers to speak about the topic while making notes on the board. This involves a lot of auditory information than visual even though the notes are written down. This is because it is easier to spell the information out loud than write them all down. It is difficult to gather the attention of kids at that age and teachers find that most of the students are distracted and barely paying attention to what proceeds in class.
In abacus training, the trainer speaks out the commands out loud for the children to follow. While the younger kids learn by emulating the trainer, the older kids are required to listen and follow the instructions which will dictate the movement of the beads. To solve the problem fast they have to be alert and follow the commands to the dot to perfect them.
The abacus training keeps their brains on high alert and sharp to focus on the trainer’s instructions. The training also imparts a sense of healthy competition as the students race against each other to finish first. This stimulates their response time and grasping power. As they develop these skills in Abacus training, they subconsciously take these skills to the classroom. They are able to better focus on the teacher’s instructions and verbal notes, leading to increased performance in class.
If you feel that your child is lacking in listening skills that may be affecting their academic scores, then all you need to do is sign them up for Abacus classes. Visit Gama Abacus’s website to find the nearest franchise offering their Abacus training classes and enroll your children at the earliest.